Sunday, November 6, 2011

"'You're The Best Wife Ever" Cilantro Lime Chicken Salad

I will be eternally grateful to be married to a man that loves food. Not that he's a foodie, necessarily. I mean he can appreciate the good stuff, he loves Sushi, Thai Food, Indian Food, and the other day I brought home Raisin Rosemary Crisps with Pistachio Crusted Chevre that were polished off in a matter of minutes. But the thing about James is that he doesn't have a Food-Snob bone in his body. He will eat ANYTHING, and not just eat it, but eat it happily. When I apologize for a flopped dinner or the complete lack of MAKING dinner, he reminds me that left to his own devices he would most likely live on peanut butter sandwiches with an occasional meal of Top Ramen.

There are a few things he especially loves, though, and I would have to say #1 on that list would be cilantro. I'm not sure there is anything I could ever make that would cause him to say, "It's good but there's a little too much cilantro." I'm pretty sure he can't get enough.

The day I threw this together he immediately said,
"Do you have this recipe written down?"
"No, I just made it up."
"You need to write it down right now before you forget."

I found a winner. :)

James's Best Wife Ever Cilantro Lime Chicken Salad
The best part about this recipe is that in order to make it you have to cheat on dinner the night before and buy one of those grocery store rotisserie chickens! 
We always polish off the dark meat so there's lots of white meat the next day to use for this.
Shred it all up in a bowl.
Chop a bunch of celery.
Throw in a bunch of cilantro.
Squirt lime juice all over it.
Plop some relish on it, maybe a heaping Tablespoon?
Squeeze a bunch of Garlic & Herb Sandwich Shop Mayo all over it.
Douse it with pepper.
Start stirring it up and add regular mayo as needed.

This is the world's most perfect recipe for camping. You get to cheat on dinner the day before and then make a big batch of it to take with you for instant sandwiches!

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