Monday, November 14, 2011

Breakfast Cookies

You know that theory about how what you eat when you're pregnant and breastfeeding affects your baby's tastes and what they'll want to eat when they have the choice. Yeah, I think that's true. (Unfortunately.)

When I was pregnant with Sam, food tasted SO wonderful. I would go to a taco cart and think, these are the BEST tacos I've ever had! I would go to McDonald's and think, Did they change their chicken nuggets? These are AMAZING! That was one of my favorite parts about being pregnant.

Then I got little Jonas. I kept waiting for those pregnancy taste buds to kick in, and I was so disappointed when they never did! With Sam I had very definite cravings. I think my biggest was milk. It HAD to be Sunnyside whole milk, and it HAD to be ice cold. (Like poured in a glass full of ice or it wasn't cold enough.) With Jonas, I definitely did have cravings, but they changed alot. I remember craving really cooked zucchini, like cooked to almost mushy. Fried zucchini was heavenly. I also almost never wanted meat. Jonas doesn't eat much meat now, either. If he does, he mostly just chews it into a big wad and then spits it out after holding it in his mouth about 20 minutes. While Sam has always been a great eater, Jonas has had a definite sweet tooth from the very beginning. It's totally my fault. He eats exactly the way I would (and sometimes do) when I don't guilt-trip myself into eating good.

One morning he came into the kitchen and said in the sweetest little voice ...

"Please have cookie, Mommee???"

"You want a cookie for breakfast?"


"Well ... what kind of cookie did you have in mind?"

"Big, giant cookie."

Yep, he's definitely my son.

While instant oatmeal isn't the most nutritious breakfast ever, it's acceptable enough to me. My kids aren't spending 6 hours a day at school so they don't need a few oats doused in sugar to sustain their brains and bodies that long, so I'm ok with it for now. That's why this recipe is so great to me. It's cookies. For breakfast. And since that packaged instant oatmeal already has plenty of sugar in it, they're not eating anything worse than a bowl of oatmeal. They do turn out just a tad rubbery, I'm not sure how to improve that yet. But they've never complained about them, they're convinced they're cookies, and I'm not opposed to eating them either.

Breakfast Cookies
 2 pkgs. Instant Oatmeal (any flavor - we usually use apple cinnamon)
2 Tbsp. Flour
4 Tbsp. Applesauce
1/2 tsp. Baking Powder
1/4 tsp. Vanilla
I usually sprinkle in a little extra cinnamon if we're using apple cinnamon oatmeal
Bake at 350 for 8-10 minutes.

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