Thursday, November 10, 2011

Banana Puddin'

I probably would have gone my whole life without ever trying Banana Pudding had I not been a missionary in North Carolina. If North Carolina had an official state dessert, this would be it. I first ate it just to be polite, but I was pleasantly surprised at how yummy it is. (Ok, kinda shocked, actually.) I never would've guessed it! I ended up having A LOT of banana pudding (excuse me, banana puddin' ) in the 21 months I was there. Some were definitely better than others, but I can't say I ever had one that was bad. The BEST recipes had this slight tanginess to them ... I was never sure whether it was cream cheese or sour cream. Somehow I never managed to pick up a recipe while I was there. A while back I wrote Sister Smith, my first Mission President's wife, and she sent me this recipe that seems just about perfect. It came from a lady in Charlotte, Pat Brashaw, and was the recipe Sister Smith used for Mission Home dinners.

North Carolina Charlotte Mission
Banana Puddin' 2000-2003

2 small packages of instant pudding (banana cream flavor)
1 small package of instant pudding (vanilla)
5 cups milk
1 (16 oz.) carton Cool Whip
1 8 oz. carton sour cream (1 cup)
8-12 bananas (or more as desired)
1 box Vanilla Wafers

*Mix puddings and milk.
*Fold in sour cream and 3/4 of the Cool Whip (12 oz.) Save the rest for the top.
*In 8x12 (or larger) glass dish, layer wafers, bananas, and pudding mixture until all are used.
*Top with remaining Cool Whip (Drop by spoonful and swirl into pudding showing white and yellow contrast.)
*Cover with plastic wrap and store in refrigerator.
*This make a large amount and will keep quite a while.

(I haven't made this yet, and even though it would be going against southern tradition, I think when I do, I'll have to ditch the Cool Whip and use REAL whipping cream!)

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