Sunday, November 6, 2011

My Special Cookies

When I got to be about 12 (and then throughout my teenage years) I really got into cooking. Well, not so much cooking, mostly baking. I come from a long line of sweet-toothed gals.

My poor Mom. I wasted A LOT of ingredients. I seriously had no idea that Baking Chocolate was different than Nestle Quick. And I remember being SO intrigued when I found a recipe for Mrs. Field's Cookies that called for "Soda."
"So THAT'S her secret ingredient!"
I remember deliberating on whether to use Pepsi or Sprite.

But I'm pretty sure my mom forgave me for all my flops and messes and wasted ingredients because sometimes I struck gold. She's got just as big a sweet tooth as me, and she certainly didn't have any time for baking those days so all her hopes rested with me.

I've never been one to follow a recipe very strictly. I can always think of a way to make it better. Even then, my search for the perfect cookie recipe led me to mash up my own Frankenstein version that my Mom is convinced are the best cookies on earth. Could there BE a better compliment than that?

My Special Cookies

1 1/4 cups Butter (2 1/2 Sticks room temp)
3/4 cups Packed Brown Sugar
1/2 cup Sugar
1 Egg
1 tsp. Vanilla
1 1/2 cups Unsifted Flour
1 tsp. BAKING Soda (Not Pepsi)
1/2 tsp. Salt
2 cups Uncooked Oatmeal
1 12oz. Bag Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips
1 Cup Peanut Butter
1 Cup Coconut
1/2 - 1 cup Chopped Nuts (I always used Walnuts)

Bake at 375 10-15 minutes

They make a GREAT breakfast!

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