Sunday, November 6, 2011


Can you tell I'm kinda lazy in the kitchen? Recipes get 5 stars from me if they're #1 Easy, and #2 Taste Good (in that order.) The whole reason I love this macaroon recipe is that it is SO stinkin' easy. Have you looked at macaroon recipes lately? When a recipe is complicated enough to require me to separate an egg white, I usually just stop reading because I know it's gonna go downhill from there.

I found this recipe in a book we got from the library called The Kids' Multicultural Cook Book. This macaroon recipe is supposed to be from India. (???) We'll go with that.

1/2 cup Flour
4 cups Shredded Coconut
1 can Sweetened Condensed Milk
1 tsp Vanilla Extract

Grease a cookie sheet (who am I kidding? I don't bake anything on a cookie sheet without putting down a layer of foil first.) and preheat oven to 325. 
Mix ingredients in order listed. Drop by teaspoonful 2 in. apart. 
Bake at 325 for 15 minutes. (Makes about 2 dozen.)

Ridiculously easy, no? James loves these because they're like my Hello Dolly Cookies except without those pesky chocolate chips.

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