Thursday, November 10, 2011

Annelie's Deep Dark Chocolate Cheesecake

11 days after Jonas was born, I turned 29. (For the first time.) The day before my birthday Annelie took Sam with her to drive James to school, and then they never came home. I was sure they must've been having a good time; maybe they just stopped at the park or something. I knew she was just being nice and giving me a break to melt over my new little baby, but it had been HOURS, and I was ... not so much getting worried ... but just missing my little Sam. They came back without much explanation of where they'd been, but everyone was happy, so I didn't think too much about it.

The next day (my birthday) I found out where they'd been. She was taking Sam all over Chico gathering birthday presents for me! First they went to one of my favorite stores, World Market, and bought me a knife. Sam picked me out an orange one, that to this day he is still so proud of. She bought me a Wendell Berry book, "On Farming and Food," a hand-made candle, and an ice cream scoop. (She knows me well.) My FAVORITE present was a pair of earrings that Sam picked out for me. They're these delicate sterling silver filligree gypsy-style earrings that are just small enough I can wear them just about every day. (And you better believe I do.)

Can you see them in this picture?
Is there any way to melt a Mommy's heart quicker than a sweet gift from her little boy that he picked out all by himself??? And the fact that they were earrings I actually loved made it even more special. His second choice was a pair of Halloween mummy earrings. I'm sure I would have loved those too, but I'm not quite as sure I would want to wear them everyday! :)

The great thing about having your best friend around for your birthday is that they KNOW your weakness. Annelie knew the most sinful, indulgent thing I could have in my lactating hormonal state was chocolate cheesecake. What better way to get back to my girlish figure, right?

In all seriousness, this cheesecake should come with a warning label. If you're thinking, "Oooh, cheesecake with a little chocolate sounds fun," then this is NOT the cheesecake for you. This stuff is NO JOKE. Even the toughest chocoholics will only want a SMALL piece of this. 

Annelie's Deep Dark Chocolate Cheesecake

24 Chocolate Wafer Cookies (from one 9oz. pkg.) ***Annelie actually used chocolate graham crackers. I think crushed oreo crumbs would be great, too. "chocolate wafer cookies" just seem a little too weak-sauce for this recipe.***
1 Tbsp. Sugar. (or a little more)
1/4 cup melted butter (may need a little more to get the consistency right.)

1 (9.7oz.) Bar of 70% Cacao Bittersweet Chocolate (chopped)
4 (8oz.) Cream Cheese packages
1 1/4 cups + 2 Tbsp. Sugar
1/4 cup Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
4 Large Eggs

3/4 cup Heavy Whipping Cream
6 oz. 70% Cacao Bittersweet Chocolate (chopped)
1 Tbsp. Sugar

Annelie's Notes:

I used a 9 inch springform pan and had leftover that I put in muffin tins.

Crust: I just used chocolate graham crackers mashed up in a baggie and made a regular graham cracker crust, but the recipe using wafer cookies is as follows:
Blend cookies in food processor until finely ground. Blend in sugar, add melted butter, and process until well blended. Pressin bottom of pan and cook until set. (about 5 min.) Let cool while making the filling.

Filling: Melt chopped chocolate in double boiler, cool until luke warm but still pourable. Blend cream cheese, sugar, cocoa powder in processor (I used a hand mixer) until smooth. Blend in eggs one at a time. Mix in luke warm chocolate, pour in pan, and smooth top. Bake until center appears dry. (About 1 hour, maybe longer. Don't worry about cracking, it's alright.) Cool 5 minutes, then run knife around sides. Chill overnight. (or not - I baked it in the early morning and chilled it 'till that night.)

Topping: Stir cream, 6 oz. chocolate, and sugar in medium saucepan over low heat until smooth. Cool slightly. Pour over center of cheesecake. Spread within 1 inch of edge, filling in cracks. Chill until top is set. (about 1 hour.)

Release sides and transfer to platter. Let stand 2 hours at room temp. Make sure I am home and then eat. If I'm out of state, call me when you start to chill it to give me time to get there.

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