Wednesday, November 9, 2011

James' Kick "A" Math Lemonade

We'll call this a "guest post" from my husband. I'll just write exactly what he has on his little white index card ...

James' Kick "A" Math Lemonade
(cause you can't find a lemon conversion factor or a gallon recipe)

13 cups of water
2 2/3 cups lemon juice or 8 lemons
1 1/2 - 2 cups sugar

Put cold tap water in empty Gatorade container, add sugar & swoosh around, put in lemon juice, add ice & call it good enough.

Random notes on the back ...

~17.41 cups
74% water
15% lemon juice
10% sugar
1% unknown (cat hair)

for 8 cups: 5.92 cups water, 1.2 cups lemon, .8 cups sugar

3 water, 2/3 lemon, 1/2 sugar

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